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Senova Dental Studios Cancellation Policy

At Senova Dental Studios we understand that appointments may have to be cancelled or rescheduled.

If a dentist or hygienist needs to cancel a patient’s appointment, we will make sure that we give the patient as much notice as possible and we will contact them by telephone or letter to reschedule the appointment.

If circumstances have changed after an appointment has been booked and the patient is unable to attend, please be aware, that unless we are given adequate notice of the patients wish to reschedule, we will need to charge a cancellation fee. We require any such notice a clear 2 working days before the day of the appointment.

We do allow one short notice cancellation (less than 2 days), however should a short notice cancellation happen again, we may require a payment in advance for the appointment or a cancellation fee may be incurred.

Appointments may not be rescheduled if this fee is not paid. It is down to the providers to charge or ask for a fee in advance, for all appointments that patients have cancelled at short notice or have failed to attend. If we manage to fill the required time, a letter will be sent to the patient advising them of the fee being waived.

If you have any queries with regards to this policy please ask the reception team or your provider (dentist/hygienist) for more information.

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