If you're looking for long-lasting and affordable dental veneers near you then our friendly and highly rated dentist in Watford can help.
Our expert dental veneers team in Hertfordshire includes Senova's principal dentist Dr. Jay Padayachy (GDC No: 64358) who has over 30 years of dentistry experience.
Jay was proudly elected a Fellow of the International College of Dentists (ICD) in June 2013 (1 of only 85 in the UK) in recognition of outstanding services rendered in the art and science of dentistry.
All our dentists are registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) and our modern clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) so you can rest assured you are in safe hands here at Senova.
Porcelain, laminate veneers are the most realistic restorations available and, therefore, a preferred choice of veneers and are an integral part of cosmetic dentistry.
Dental veneers placement involves very conservative preparation of the front surface of the tooth. Next, the veneer fits over this prepared surface and is often less than 0.5mm thick.
Porcelain veneers can be used to alter the shape of the teeth, make your teeth appear whiter or repair chipped and broken teeth.
"I wish to tell you how delighted I am after having my smile lift.I am only sorry that I didn’t have it years ago. My teeth are straighter and whiter than I would ever have believed possible. Over and above the treatment, the hospitality that I received from all the staff in the entire practice makes it a pleasure for me to attend."Mr F. (Totteridge, London)
A full consultation takes place where the patient and the dentist are equally involved in the decision making. Photographs are taken and all fees discussed.
A short appointment is necessary to take an impression of your existing smile. This impression is sent to the laboratory and used to make a template from which the dentist creates your new smile. This is called a wax-up.
This optional appointment can be helpful to some patients who wish to preview the finished result before embarking upon any treatment. It involves using plastic material to copy the wax-up and transfer this to the patient’s mouth.
Approximately 7-10 days after the impression is taken your teeth are lightly buffed and contoured to allow for the small added thickness of the veneers. Temporary veneers are fitted. These temporaries are in plastic material but, in every other respect, are identical to the finished result giving the patient a chance to preview the final smile. Temporary veneers, to preview shape and colour, are placed before the final veneers are bonded onto the teeth.
Approximately 4-7 days later the patient returns to discuss their findings. Any adjustments can be made at this time. (There may be as many review appointments as necessary until the patient is happy.)
Approximately 7-10 days later the patient returns to have the permanent, porcelain veneers fitted.
This process, from start to finish, can take as little as 3 weeks although 4-6 weeks is more usual.
Early on in the process the patient will see the ceramist so that he/she can choose the colour they desire.
Hygiene appointments may be required if there are any gum problems.
A review appointment will take place 1-2 weeks after the placement of the veneers to ensure that everything is looking great. A thorough home care regime of brushing and inter-dental cleaning is necessary to ensure the longevity of your veneers. This is no more onerous than that necessary to preserve the health of natural teeth.
Dr Padayachy (GDC No. 64358) has been a dentist at the award winning Senova Dental Studios since 1998 focusing on comprehensive restorative and cosmetic dentistry.
He has been a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry since its inception and serves on the Credentialing committee. He has lectured widely on all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, dental photography and comprehensive care.
A. The term veneers is a generic term used to describe a thin layer applied to the outer surface of your teeth to alter their shape, colour or rebuild chips and breaks. This thin layer can be made from a variety of materials including porcelain and composite.
A. Porcelain veneers have several advantages over other forms of more invasive treatment:
A. Porcelain veneers have few real disadvantages. They can be more fragile the natural teeth in some circumstances so you will need to be careful and aware that you have veneers. A classic way to break them is by banging them with a glass or mug when drinking.
A. The cost of veneers can range dramatically depending on the complexity of the work required. Some veneers can be made while you wait in the chair, other can take a couple of weeks to be made in a dental laboratory. Before you begin any form of cosmetic dental treatment you should always ensure you have a comprehensive treatment plan from the dentist with clearly defined fees so there are no surprises about the cost. Veneers typically start from £990 per tooth and may have finance options available.
A. Sometimes your dentist can choose to make composite veneers instead of porcelain veneers. These can be made whilst you wait in the dentist's chair. The dentist applies tooth coloured composite resin to the surface of your teeth using a special bonding agent. This can often require no preparation and no injection.
A. Clip in veneers are a removable appliance which clips to the outside of your teeth, because all of the teeth on this appliance need to be joined together they can end up being rather thick and cumbersome. Individual dental veneers can be made with precision and delicacy to be extremely thin, long lasting and beautiful. Clip on veneers can discolour if you eat with them in, be difficult to speak with and have a tendency to be bulky.
"I am a dental hygienist and, therefore, extremely conscious about my smile. Over the years my teeth have been patched up but I decided to seek a long term solution to my mouth. I now have stunning teeth."Mrs C. (Surrey)
Looking for "dental veneers near me" to quickly improve your smile? Get in touch to find out more about porcelain veneers at Senova Dental Studios in Watford